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Tick Prevention & Control

We provide tick spray for yard treatment for comprehensive tick prevention

Ticks pose a danger to you, your family, and your pets. When they move into your yard, it becomes a place where you can no longer play, relax, and enjoy.

Pest Control Unlimited is based in Tyngsborough, MA, and offers effective tick control prevention programs. We proudly serve residents in Middlesex County and nearby areas. We also offer comprehensive services to Hillsborough, Merrimack, and Rockingham Counties residents in New Hampshire.

If you’re looking for a tick control company that provides extensive and eco-friendly control and preventive solutions, contact our team today or call 1-888-649-9919.

About Ticks

Ticks literally feast on blood, almost like tiny vampires. They attach to a host and enjoy a nice blood
meal, which can cause serious skin irritation.

  • Despite common belief, ticks don’t fly. They usually spend time on thick vegetation where predators
    can’t see them, then jump on a host as it walks by.
  • Ticks are carriers for several ailments like Lyme disease, tularemia, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
  • If a tick is attached to you, use tweezers to pull it straight up and out of your skin, then wash the area thoroughly.
  • Tick bites can swell up and remain irritated. If you experience an extreme reaction to the bite, seek
    medical attention.

Eliminating Ticks: Our Tick Spray for Yard Treatment

You don’t have to endure tick invasions in your yard. Fight back with our organic tick control program,
which will seriously reduce the chance you, your loved ones, and your pets are exposed to these
dangerous pests.

Our tick spray for the yard is treatment is organic. Because we use organic elements in our applications, you don’t have to worry about chemicals harming anyone. Instead, you enjoy continuous protection, which varies depending on the weather and conditions. The life cycle of the ticks also affects how long the applications offer protection. Regular applications will help keep the tick population low or nonexistent. Our friendly technicians are more than happy to explain these elements for your specific situation.

Tick Control Methods

There are several effective tick yard control methods available, each with its own merits for eliminating these pests. In addition, our team offers quarterly programs and one-time services for better pest control and management:

  • Organic Tick Control: This method utilizes natural ingredients such as essential oils and plant-based extracts to repel ticks without harsh chemicals.
  • Integrated Pest Management (IPM): This procedure combines multiple strategies, including habitat modification, biological controls, and selective use of pesticides, to achieve sustainable tick control.
  • Chemical treatments: While highly effective, our team uses these methods as a last resort or in severe infestations. They involve applying synthetic pesticides designed to kill ticks on contact.

Our tick control company performs thorough site inspections to determine which solutions are best for your property. We provide these services for commercial and residential customers.

Benefits of Organic and Natural Tick Spray Service

At our tick control company, we strongly advocate for eco-friendly tick spray service solutions. Our services use organic products to effectively control ticks in your yard. 

Our sprays contain cedar oil, peppermint oil, and other plant-based compounds that are effective at repelling and killing ticks without the use of synthetic chemicals. These sprays are safe for use around children, pets, and beneficial insects, making them an excellent choice for environmentally conscious homeowners.

In addition, these natural treatments can also help maintain a balanced ecosystem in your yard while providing reliable tick control with minimal environmental impact. Unlike chemical pesticides, natural tick sprays break down quickly in the environment, reducing the risk of contamination of soil and water sources. They also pose less risk to non-target species, including pollinators like bees and butterflies. 

We use non-toxic solutions, free from harmful residues, ensuring your outdoor spaces remain safe and enjoyable for all family members.

Preventative Measures

While our tick control applications can help guard against these troublesome pests, you can do even
more to protect yourself. Some of these measures even work when you’re away from home and might
be exposed to ticks, like taking a hike in the woods.

  • Apply repellent that contains 20% or more of DEET to your exposed skin. You can also wear clothes
    that have repellent built into them for even more protection.
  • Check all over your body for ticks at the end of the day. Taking a shower can help wash away any you
    might miss. Also, wash your clothes.
  • Stay out of thick underbrush or tall grass. Ticks often hide in these areas. In your yard, you can remove
    excessive underbrush or keep ornamental grass shorter, discouraging ticks from living there.
  • Keep wild animals, especially deer, out of your yard. Many humane ways of doing this exist. Ticks will
    catch a ride on wild animals, then hop off on the plants in your yard.

Seasonal Tick Control

Spring and summer are common seasons for tick infestation. Consider the following tick yard control tips during these months:

  • Maintain Your Lawn: Keep grass trimmed short and remove leaf litter to reduce tick habitats.
  • Create a Barrier: To prevent tick migration, use wood chips or gravel to create a barrier between wooded areas and your lawn.
  • Prune Trees and Shrubs: Trim back branches and shrubs to allow more sunlight and reduce moisture, which ticks thrive on.
  • Remove Debris: Remove yard debris, such as fallen branches and leaves, where ticks can hide.
  • Use Tick-Repellent Plants: Plant tick-repellent vegetation around your yard, like lavender, marigolds, and rosemary.
  • Check Pets Regularly: Inspect your pets for ticks frequently, especially after they’ve been outside.

Importance of Early Spring Treatments

Early spring treatments are crucial as they target ticks before they become active and start breeding, reducing the overall tick population and minimizing the risk of infestations throughout the warmer months. Work with our team so you can leverage our recommended preventive measures.

Contact Us Today

Contact Pest Control Unlimited LLC today or call 1-888-649-9919 for more information about our tick control program.

Note to Client

Unfortunately there is not a solution to solve all pests that enter your home at once. With a proper quarterly maintenance and inspection program along with some new cultural practices we can minimize the amount of pests you will see. We strive to stay ahead of the pests you may see by attending state certified classes. These classes help us to learn new techniques and pests that are being encountered.

Service Guarantee

Your home is an ever changing environment. Because of this, what may not be a problem one day could be the next. Whether you bring back an unexpected pest on your next vacation or something is shipped in a box to your home. We are just a phone call away to resolve the problem before it worsens. If for any reason you are not satisfied with our services we will work with you until you are.