If you are looking for relief from bug bites, there are many plant bug repellents that can help. Some of these plants include citronella grass, peppermint, lavender, rosemary, lemon balm, thyme, and catnip. These herbs release strong scents that bugs do not like to be around. It is best to use them in pots or containers where people spend time outside because they need lots of water and sun to thrive well.

Citronella Grass

Citronella grass can be planted in your garden from a seed or a mother plant. It spreads quickly and will need to be contained, or you may find it growing no matter where you put it. To grow, this perennial needs sun and lots of water once it’s established. Once the flower heads start forming on top of the stems, they can be cut as fresh material for making essential oil used as a bug repellent. The natural oils found in citronella grass are very effective against mosquitoes, moths, and other flying insects who aren’t keen on spending time around citronella-scented plants. This is a great way to keep bugs away without using harmful chemicals on yourself or others, especially for kids.


When using peppermint, do not use it in small areas or near the garden. If the wind is blowing when you are outside, it will cause problems because its strong scent can be carried for a long distance and may affect those of us that like to breathe fresh air! The scent coming from this plant repels mosquitoes and ticks naturally without any chemicals or sprays applied at all. Peppermint’s natural oils of menthol and citronella repel bugs away safely and effectively. It does well growing in containers as long as they have good drainage and lots and lots of sun!


Lavender does not play well with others, meaning don’t combine it with other plants or flowers because its scent will change them, and they may not be as pretty or fragrant. Lavender has a strong smell that bugs just don’t like at all! One of the best things about lavender is it can be used in so many ways, from being planted in your garden to having it in your cabinet when you need it most for added protection against mosquitoes. You can also use it around kids without worry because of its lack of harmful chemicals.


Catnip needs lots and lots of sun to grow well, and if you want a large patch, then planting from seed each year is going to be one way you can do this successfully. Cats love catnip plants, but bugs hate them! Some people say the flower is very pretty with its bright purple color, attracting bees, butterflies, and other pollinators. As a member of the mint family, catnip is easy to grow from seed as long as the soil is rich with lots of compost or manure. It does well in the full sun and needs plenty of room to spread. The flowers bloom from early summer into mid-fall, even after a frost which is really nice for those who love growing plants that give you extra blooms later on during the season.
Rosemary is a great choice for keeping bugs away because it has small leaves that are very aromatic. The strong scent of rosemary can be felt when you walk through an area where it grows versus other plants that may not have as strong of a smell. You can grow rosemary from seed or buy a plant and watch it grow into an evergreen shrub. It needs full sun and well-drained soil but does not need much water once it’s established. Rosemary works best around children, too, since its natural oil is safe enough to use on mosquito bites if needed.

Lemon Balm

This plant bug repellant likes moist soil, so do not let it dry out throughout the growing season because once the leaves begin to turn brown, it is dead and cannot be brought back. Lemon balm has a very strong scent that keeps bugs away and can also be used in food dishes too such as lemon balm pesto. The leaves on this plant taste just like lemons making it a great addition when cooking with herbs. If you find you don’t have any bug problems when growing lemon balm but still want some, then consider planting it around your property since its natural oils repel mosquitoes naturally.


Thyme is another herb that does well outdoors because of its small green leaves that are highly aromatic. It works best if planted from seed each year but can also be moved indoors during the winter months for use in pots or window boxes. Thyme is easy to grow and requires very little attention, which makes it a good choice for novice gardeners new to growing herbs. It does not mind being transplanted either, especially if you want it in areas that get more sun during the summer months.

Although some of these pest control plants do better than others when planted near your home or outdoor living spaces, all of them work well as natural products that keep bugs away without any harsh chemicals like those pest control company products being sprayed near children or pets. Consider adding these herbs to your landscaping choices next time you have an area where nothing seems to be growing because they will thrive.