fall pest prevention dog tick on dogIf you’re excited about the cooler fall weather, bonfires and outdoor family get-togethers, don’t let the threat of ticks near your Massachusetts home dampen your good spirits. When the weather starts to chill from the summer heat, ticks commonly expose themselves while seeking out warm places to settle for the winter. Not only do ticks attach themselves to humans and pets, but also the foundation of a home, shrubs, bushes, and greenery. With tick-borne illnesses on the rise, fall tick prevention is more important than ever before.

Keep your green spaces protected from ticks with these fall tick prevention tips from Pest Control Unlimited.

Don’t Make It Easy for Ticks to Gather

Your outdoor green space should be your safe haven on those cool fall nights. With just a few easy fixes, you can make sure ticks won’t be joining you. As the leaves start to fall, rake them up consistently. Ticks love to find warm spaces and piles of leaves are perfect for a winter home. In addition, keep your trees and shrubs trimmed so that ticks can’t travel from your bushes and branches to your patio and porches.

fall tick prevention rake up leaves

Keep All Rodents Away

Wild animals such as rabbits and raccoons can bring ticks into your home’s outdoor green space. Keep these critters away – and ticks at bay – by keeping your outdoor trash cans properly secured. Food particles attract animals, which ultimately can bring ticks to your home’s exterior and interior. Make sure, too, that you are removing food and seeds from bird feeders during the fall and winter to safeguard your favorite outdoor space from tick infestation.

Call the Professionals About Fall Tick Prevention

Battling ticks during the fall can be tricky if you don’t have the know-how and the tools to attack their gathering spaces. That’s where Pest Control Unlimited comes in. Offering comprehensive tick, mosquito and rodent control, Pest Control Unlimited can help maximize your outdoor fun in the fall and keep those unwanted pests away. Find out more by calling (888) 649-9919.