Ticks are blood-sucking parasites as small as a poppy seed or a grain of sand. Despite their small size, they can cause significant harm to both humans and pets. These insects can spread dangerous diseases, including Lyme disease, anaplasmosis and babesiosis.

Tick control and prevention services ensure you stay ahead of ticks, minimizing the risk of tick-borne illnesses. Scheduling tick control services at the right time can make all the difference. Contact Pest Control Unlimited for timely and comprehensive tick control solutions that keep these pests at bay.

Understanding Tick Behavior and Life Cycle

Ticks thrive in warm, humid conditions and can be active whenever temperatures rise above freezing. Over two years, they typically undergo four life stages: egg, larva, nymph and adult. 

Most ticks become a problem during the nymph and adult stages, when they seek out blood meals from hosts like animals or humans. Since ticks are most active during warmer months, spring and summer see a significant increase in tick activity. However, ticks can survive colder seasons by finding shelter in leaf litter, wooded areas, and tall grass, allowing them to persist throughout the year.

Understanding this life cycle is vital for effectively controlling ticks on your property. By timing treatments to target ticks before they reach the nymph stage, homeowners can dramatically reduce tick populations on their property.

When Is Tick Season in Massachusetts and New Hampshire?

In Massachusetts and New Hampshire, tick season typically begins in April and extends through October, with the highest activity occurring during late spring and summer. The warm, humid climate provides ideal conditions for ticks to thrive, and the state’s forests, parks and suburban backyards serve as typical habitats for ticks.

Ticks can be active as early as March and remain a threat even into the fall months, especially in years with mild winters. Homeowners should be particularly vigilant during the peak months of May through August, when nymph ticks, which are small and harder to spot, are at their most active and pose a high risk of spreading disease. 

Knowing the answer to “When is tick season?” can help you plan timely treatments to protect your family from their dangers.

The Ideal Times for Tick Control Treatments

Treatments should be strategically scheduled throughout the year, as doing so disrupts the tick life cycle. The best times to schedule tick control treatments are spring, early summer and fall.

  • Spring: Ticks emerge from winter dormancy during spring, making it the ideal time for the first treatment. By applying a control treatment in April or early May, you target adult ticks before they lay eggs, significantly reducing the population for the coming summer months. This initial application provides an essential layer of protection for your yard, minimizing tick numbers before their peak activity.
  • Early Summer: In early summer, typically in June and July, newly hatched tick nymphs become highly active. These pose a greater risk of transmitting diseases, as they are smaller and more difficult to detect on skin or clothing. A follow-up treatment at this time targets this vulnerable stage in the tick life cycle, helping keep your property safe during peak tick season.
  • Fall: As the weather cools, ticks start searching for hosts to feed on before winter. A final treatment in September or early October ensures your yard remains protected throughout the colder months, preventing adult ticks from surviving and laying eggs in the spring. This helps break the cycle and controls the tick population the following year.

By scheduling treatments at these optimal times, homeowners can stay one step ahead and control tick populations year-round.

The Importance of Professional Tick Control Services

Ticks multiply quickly, and untreated areas can rapidly become reinfested. Even if you treat your property once, new ticks can migrate from surrounding areas. For this reason, regular treatments are a must for ongoing protection. 

While some DIY treatments are available, professional tick control services provide a more comprehensive solution. Expert technicians can assess your property, identify high-risk areas and apply treatments specifically designed to reduce tick populations and protect you and your family or your customers and staff from tick-borne illnesses.

Controlling Ticks on Property: Additional Tips

In addition to professional treatments, you can take simple steps to minimize tick exposure on your property. Here are some examples:

  • Keep grass trimmed and landscaping neat to reduce tick-friendly habitats.
  • Use tick repellents on clothing when spending time outdoors, especially in wooded or grassy areas.
  • Remove leaf litter, brush and tall grass from around your home or place of business to create a tick-safe zone.
  • Install barriers, such as mulch, between wooded areas and lawns to deter ticks from entering your yard.

Stay Protected With Expert Tick Control Solutions

Pest Control Unlimited offers expert tick control and prevention services to residential and commercial clients. Our treatments focus on eco-friendly solutions and are designed to protect your home and outdoor spaces without harming the environment. 

To provide year-round protection, Pest Control Unlimited offers quarterly treatment plans tailored to your needs. By scheduling regular treatments, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing your property is safe from ticks throughout the year.

We serve clients throughout Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Contact us today for a free quote!