Mosquitoes are more than just an inconvenience. For homeowners and business owners alike, an infestation can turn a peaceful outdoor space into a health risk. 

If you’re experiencing persistent mosquito activity in your home or business, don’t wait for the problem to escalate. Contact us today by email or phone at +1-888-649-9919 to eliminate the problem and prevent future occurrences.

Mosquito control effectively reduces populations by targeting adult mosquitoes and their breeding sites. Professionals use specialized mosquito spraying techniques to create a protective barrier around your property, allowing you to enjoy outdoor spaces without constantly swatting away at pests.

But how do you know when to call in the experts? Here are five signs that indicate you need professional mosquito control and spraying services:

1. Frequent Mosquito Sightings

Seeing mosquitoes regularly is the most obvious sign that you need mosquito control. While a mosquito here or there might not seem like a big deal, if you’re constantly swatting them away, there’s likely a breeding ground nearby. 

So, when are mosquitoes most active? Mosquitoes are generally most active during dawn and dusk, particularly in humid, warm environments. These pests are especially drawn to standing water and thick vegetation, laying over 100 eggs at a time. 

If you’re experiencing frequent sightings at all hours, schedule quarterly mosquito control services immediately to keep the population at bay. 

2. Mosquito Season Has Arrived

Knowing the answer to “When is mosquito season?” is essential for scheduling mosquito spraying services. Generally, mosquito season starts in spring and extends through summer into early fall, with peak activity occurring during the warmer months.

If you haven’t taken control measures as the season arrives, your property may be at high risk for infestation. Regular mosquito spraying at the start of the season can help keep these pests at bay, letting you and your guests enjoy the warm weather without constant annoyance or health risks.

3. You Have Areas of Standing Water

Standing water is a mosquito magnet. Female mosquitoes lay their eggs in stagnant water, and it only takes a pool of water as small as a bottle cap for them to multiply. 

Commercial properties, particularly those with water features and landscaping, should be vigilant about removing standing water. Homeowners should also check their yards for potential water sources that could serve as breeding grounds. 

Common places where standing water may collect include the following:

  • Clogged gutters
  • Birdbaths or fountains
  • Buckets or containers left outside
  • Poorly drained sections of your yard
  • Uncovered swimming pools
  • Planters
  • Pet water bowls

If removing the water isn’t an option (for example, in ponds or fountains), mosquito control services for commercial and residential areas can apply larvicides to the water to prevent mosquitoes from breeding.

4. Frequent Mosquito Bites

Frequent mosquito bites are one of the most obvious signs that you need professional intervention. Beyond the discomfort and itching, bites can lead to serious health risks, as mosquitoes are known carriers of various diseases such as West Nile Virus, Zika and dengue fever.

For businesses, customer complaints about bites can damage your reputation. Guests expect a comfortable, pest-free environment, and mosquito problems can lead to negative reviews and drive away patrons. 

5. DIY Methods Aren’t Working

Many people try to handle mosquitoes on their own using over-the-counter products like repellents, bug zappers and citronella candles. While these offer temporary protection, they rarely address the root of the problem. 

Mosquitoes breed quickly. Female mosquitoes can lay up to 100 eggs every three days after mating just once. They typically lay around three batches of eggs before dying. Once these eggs hatch, the mosquito life cycle starts all over again.

Without a comprehensive approach, their population can grow beyond what DIY methods can handle. Mosquito control and spraying experts can assess your property, identify breeding sites and apply customized solutions that address adult mosquitoes and larvae.

Keep Your Yard Mosquito-Free With an Effective Treatment Plan

If any of the aforementioned signs sound familiar, it’s time to take action. Waiting too long can lead to serious and costly issues, such as larger infestations, increased health risks for mosquito-borne diseases and damage to your business’s reputation. 

Pest Control Unlimited offers reliable, eco-friendly pest control and management solutions for commercial and residential properties. Whether you need a one-time treatment or prefer peace of mind with quarterly services, we can tailor a plan to meet your needs.

Contact us today via email or phone at +1-888-649-9919 to schedule a consultation. Our service areas include Middlesex County in Massachusetts and Hillsborough, Merrimack and Rockingham Counties in New Hampshire.