Mosquitoes are some of the most widespread pests. These tiny yet stubborn insects are notorious for invading homes, disrupting outdoor activities, and leaving people with itchy, irritating bites.

Besides being bothersome pests, mosquitoes pose a more significant threat to public health. They are known carriers of diseases with severe consequences, ranging from mild discomfort to life-threatening conditions. 

Among the 200 varieties of mosquitoes found in the continental United States and US territories, around 12 types carry dangerous pathogens that transmit diseases. It takes just a few infected mosquitoes to start an outbreak in a community and put you and your family at risk of becoming sick. Since it’s difficult to pinpoint which ones might carry disease-causing germs, prioritizing mosquito prevention is crucial. 

Stop mosquito bites from risking your and your loved ones’ health. In this blog, we cover everything you need to know about mosquito prevention in the summer. 

We tackle the types of diseases caused by mosquitoes, share best practices for eliminating breeding sites and list tips for maintaining a mosquito-free space.

Understanding Mosquito Behavior

The first step to preventing mosquitoes from invading your surroundings is understanding their behavior and habits. 

Adult mosquitoes live indoors and outdoors. They bite day and night and can survive for about two to four weeks depending on several factors, including species, humidity and temperature. 

Female mosquitoes often live longer than males. Biting humans and animals to obtain a blood meal is exclusive to female mosquitoes. Blood meals provide females with the nutrients necessary for egg production.

When it comes to life cycles, all mosquitoes begin as an egg that hatches into a larva. A larva transitions into a pupa, from which an adult mosquito emerges.

Common Habitats

Mosquitoes inhabit a wide range of habitats across the globe, depending on the species and their preferences for resting, breeding and feeding. While they often prefer areas with warm and humid climates, they can also adapt to different environments. 

Mosquitoes love to breed on standing water which is why they’re commonly found in:

  • Ponds
  • Lakes
  • Marshes
  • Swamps
  • Clogged ditches
  • Temporary pools and puddles
  • Potted plant watering dishes
  • Bird baths
  • Buckets or containers that hold water

It is important to note that mosquito habitats can vary based on the species and their specific breeding, feeding, and resting preferences.

Different types of standing water attract different types of mosquitoes. Some mosquitoes breed in nutrient-rich waters, while others prefer clean water. Some species tend to lay their eggs in permanent-to-semi-permanent bodies of water. 

On the other hand, floodwater mosquitoes breed and lay their eggs in containers above the water line or in moist soil. The eggs hatch when rain floods the container or soil.

Examples of floodwater habitats include:

  • Tree holes that collect rainwater
  • Temporary pools and ponds that resulted from rain or melting snow
  • Irrigated fields and meadows
  • Floodplains along stream and river banks
  • Containers that hold water and fill up after a rain shower

However, some mosquitoes also thrive in forests, grasslands and marshes. Some prefer to rest in urban areas and man-made structures like buildings or houses, where they usually hide in closets, under sinks and other dark, secluded spots.

Other sites in which some species breed and lay eggs include:

  • Tree holes
  • Potted plant trays and saucers
  • Plastic covers or tarpaulins 
  • Old tires
  • Buckets

Mosquito populations have the potential to multiply rapidly under favorable conditions. The presence of natural predators like fish and dragonfly nymphs helps keep permanent ponds, lakes, streams and other bodies of water free of mosquito larvae. 

If you suspect a mosquito problem in your home or workplace, it’s crucial to act promptly before matters get worse. Implementing the necessary measures can eliminate any health risks and keep your space safe and hygienic. 

How Are Mosquito-Borne Diseases Spread?

Mosquitoes can only be carriers of viruses when they bite an infected person or animal. It can ingest the pathogens in the blood and transmit the disease to the next person or animal.

Mosquitoes are selective with the kinds of germs they transmit. They carry only those that can grow or replicate in their bodies. Once a germ multiplies in a mosquito’s body, it migrates into the salivary glands over two to three weeks. The germ travels from the salivary glands into the blood of the animal or person being bitten.

A mosquito’s ability to get infected with and spread a germ depends on:

  • The mosquito’s age
  • The type of germ
  • The amount of a germ eaten during a blood meal
  • Environmental conditions, like temperature

Six Common Mosquito-Borne Diseases

Here are the most prevalent mosquito-borne illnesses you can catch:


Malaria is a life-threatening disease that affects millions worldwide, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions. It’s caused by parasites that are transmitted through the bites of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes. 

Fever and flu-like symptoms commonly characterize malaria, including fatigue, muscle aches, headache and chills. Some people may also experience nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. 

Malaria can trigger anemia and jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes) due to a decrease in red blood cells. Without timely treatment, the disease can lead to kidney failure, seizures, coma and death.


Dengue fever is transmitted through the bites of infected Aedes mosquitoes. Common symptoms include fatigue, rash, high fever, severe headache and joint and muscle pain. It can sometimes progress to severe dengue, characterized by severe stomach pain, persistent vomiting and blood in the urine, stool, or vomit. 

Severe dengue fever can lead to organ damage and significant decreases in blood pressure, leading to shock. In some cases, the disease can be fatal.

Dengue symptoms usually persist for two to seven days. With proper rest and medication, most people will recover within a week.


Zika is usually transmitted through the bite of an infected Aedes species mosquito. Most people with the Zika virus will have mild symptoms or not experience any. Typical symptoms of Zika include:

  • Fever
  • Rash
  • Headache
  • Joint pain
  • Red eyes
  • Muscle pain

Symptoms can last for several days to a week. Most cases result in mild illness and do not pose a fatal risk. 

However, the virus can be particularly dangerous to pregnant women and their unborn babies. The disease is linked to a congenital disability called microcephaly, characterized by abnormally small head sizes in infants. This condition can lead to different cognitive and developmental challenges. 

A Zika infection may be diagnosed through a blood or urine test. Infected individuals are advised to drink lots of fluids to prevent dehydration and may be prescribed medication for symptomatic relief.

Yellow Fever

Symptoms of yellow fever can range from mild to severe. They usually appear three to six days after infection, including fever, chills, headache, backache, and muscle aches. More severe cases are characterized by bleeding, organ failure, yellowing of the skin (jaundice), and, sometimes, death. 

Yellow fever virus, and the mosquitoes that spread the virus, are usually present in specific regions of Africa and South America.

Tips To Keep Your Space Mosquito-Free This Summer

Mosquito activity is at its peak during the summer months. Follow these preventive measures to prevent health risks associated with these insects.

Use EPA-Registered Insect Repellent

To reduce the risk of infection, use Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-registered insect repellents featuring these active ingredients:

  • Picaridin
  • Oil of lemon eucalyptus or para-menthane-diol
  • IR3535
  • DEET
  • 2-undecanone 

These products have been scientifically tested and proven to stop mosquito bites from putting your health at risk. Apply repellent after sunscreen, reapply every few hours and always follow product label instructions. 

Make sure to check a repellent’s ingredient list before use. Some ingredients may be unsafe for infants, children or women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Wear Proper Clothing

If you will be outside for an extended period, wear breathable long sleeves and pants to stop mosquito bites from occurring.

Mosquito-Proof Your Home or Business

Here are some tips to keep your property mosquito-free:

  • Install mesh screens on doors and windows. Repair holes in screens right away to keep mosquitoes outside. 
  • Keep your property free of stagnant water. At least once a week, empty and scrub containers that hold water. These include pools, buckets, tires, flowerpots, bloodbaths, trash bins and planters.
  • Rather than draining and refilling a pond once a week, rely on mosquito-eating species like koi fish. These natural predators can help you control the mosquito population in your space.
  • Clear your gutters of leaves and debris to prevent water from accumulating. Maintaining clean drainage helps create an environment less favorable for mosquitoes.

Invest in Professional Mosquito Control Treatments

For targeted protection, use insecticides or professional mosquito control services. These can be applied to outdoor areas or sprayed directly on surfaces prone to mosquito infestation. Seeking professional mosquito control services can also help create a safer, healthier and a more enjoyable environment.

Enjoy Your Outdoor Spaces With an Effective Mosquito Control Program

Like most pests, a mosquito problem can escalate in no time. Fortunately, preventing mosquitoes from breeding in your property doesn’t have to be difficult. 

At Pest Control Unlimited, we offer specialized treatments that have been shown to control up to 90 to 95% of mosquito populations in your yard during the summer. 

Besides mosquitoes, we have treatments for ticks and bed bugs. We offer commercial and residential pest control treatments so you can enjoy a safe and hygienic environment all year long. Contact us today to set an appointment!