With Winter Storm Stella scheduled to hit Middlesex County in the early morning hours Tuesday, we wanted to get you prepared. You can take care of the milk, water and other necessities, but pests often seek out times of crisis to strike. They know the weather is going to get rough by their instincts, so they’ll look to your home or garage for warmth and shelter. Here is what you need to do»
The Hours Prior
All animals are programmed to detect poor weather and seek shelter before it is too late. Believe it or not, human beings also had this ability at one time but as we became domesticated, these abilities weakened. Squirrels, rats, mice, raccoons, insects and other pests have not lost this ability though, and they may seek out your home for shelter. As you prepare the snowblower and shovels, give your garage a quick check to look for entry ways!
During the Storm
Middlesex County is supposed to get the bulk of this storm and we want all of our clients to be safe during the worst hours. Make sure all of your doors and windows are locked and check your trees and bushes to make sure there are no loose limbs. A cracked window is the last thing you want in freezing temperatures.
Post-Storm Control
Hopefully, and we mean HOPEFULLY, this is the last of the winter storms for 2017. Once this is over, the weather should start to clear up and Spring Quarterly Services will begin. We’ll inspect your property and look for any possible problem areas and address the issues before they become a cause for concern. If you haven’t already signed up, what are you waiting for?
If you would like to sign up for our spring quarterly services, we would say you’re making the right decision. These services will help us monitor your property and give you a good idea of where and when a pest infestation might strike.
To schedule an estimate, call Pest Control Unlimited at 888-649-9919 or click around on our website!